Word Exchange
All letters were found within the UW Seattle campus and made into letter stamps. They are from the first and last initials of students in ART260. Participants may give any word(s) that are meaningful to them. The word may be created with the stamps either by the participants themselves or I. By giving a word, they also receive a word from others. Sharing a word is sharing a story.
UW Word Exchange is a participatory collaboration project created by ART260: Introduction to Interdisciplinary Practice 2016 with instructor, Timea Tihanyi. This presentation of the Word Exchange was performed by WanNa Huang on December 6th, 2016 at the Suzzallo Library on the UW Seattle Campus.
Instructor Timea Tihanyi's Word Exchange collection from all round the world. This one is specifically for Seattle, WA.
The making process of letter stamps
"Winter is beautiful."
Neo's favorite animal is bunny.
"My thoughts on finals."
"Love is acceptance."
“Lay (Zhang, Yi Xing) is my idol!”